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The Girlfriend Doctor w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Apr 28, 2020

You can control your health and how long you live by examining your deeply held belief systems and resolving generational trauma. How? This episode with Dr. Mario Martinez explores the links between cultural beliefs and longevity.

About Dr. Mario Martinez

Dr. Martinez is a clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in...

Apr 21, 2020

The single most important thing you can do to protect your health right now during this international health crisis is to wash your hands. The next is to boost your immunity. In this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I’m talking about how you can improve your immune system starting today by following my tips.


Apr 14, 2020

Looking after our men’s health is just as important as our health, am I right, girlfriends? Men’s health specialist, Dr. Anthony Capasso, joins me to talk about the issues facing men’s health care, how we can support our guys, and what they can do to naturally boost their testosterone.

About Dr. Anthony Capasso

Apr 7, 2020

Developing strategies to increase your happiness is something we should all work towards. Luckily, I'm joined by the happiness guru herself, Marci Shimoff, who shares how to be happy for no reason.

About Marci Shimoff

Marci is a #1 NY Times bestselling author and transformational leader. She is an expert on happiness,...